Monday, 5 September 2011

{Girl Behind The Lens} Did you think you'd be running your business before you were 30?

Today is my birthday, I’m 27.

It seems strange that one of the questions I got asked when I started the {Girl Behind the Lens} blog was “Did you think you’d be running your own business before you were 30”.

I can safely say I didn’t think I would be running my own business. Ever.

It is not something that I aspired to be, to become my own boss, to look at possibly employing people. I thought by the time I was 30 (when I was a child it was 25 because that was “old”) that I would be married, in my own house, and have babies (yes more than one!).

I’m 27. Been running Blue Lights Photography, my own company, being my own boss, for 2-years in October.
It has been the most stressful, nerve-wracking and emotional time of my life.

It has also been the best, most rewarding and exciting time too.

I “fell” into photography, I took the opportunities that were presented to me and I moved forward with it. I imagined that I would end up being a manager of a retail-jewellery store, or into business training for a company that trained new employees for their own companies. I never thought that I would be where I am today.

I don’t brag about business, I don’t brag about how well business is doing, unless I am trying to express the importance of people making a booking decision. A lot of that is because I know how I got into photography, and how I became a business owner. It wasn’t something that I had dreamt about doing since I was a child. And it certainly wasn’t something I expected to be doing before I was 30! (Or EVER!)

And I think it makes me realise what I have (and what could be taken away)…